General Chair

  • Mariusz Stępień, Poland

General Co-chairs

  • Yousef Ibrahim, Australia
  • Mariusz Malinowski, Poland
  • Bogusław Grzesik, Poland

Technical Program Co-chairs

  • Gabor Sziebig, Norway
  • Mihai Cernat, Romania
    assisted by Track Chairs

S&YP Activity Co-chairs

  • Pawel Lasek, Poland
  • Marek Jasiński, Poland
  • Mariusz Stępień, Poland
  • Pavol Bauer, The Netherlands
  • Mariusz Malinowski, Poland
  • Yousef Ibrahim, Australia

Special Sessions Chair

  • Viliam Fedak, Slovakia

PEMC Council Chair

  • Pavol Bauer, The Netherlands

Honorary Chairs

  • Kamal Al-Haddad, Canada
  • Bogdan M. Wilamowski, USA
  • Fumio Harashima, Japan
  • Marian Kaźmierkowski, Poland
  • Leopoldo Franquelo, Spain
  • Kouhei Ohnishi, Japan
  • Carlos Couto, Portugal

Tutorial Chair

  • Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh, France

Industry Liaison Co-chairs

  • Jacek Rąbkowski, Poland
  • Marcin Zygmanowski, Poland

Publication Chair

  • Razvan-Ioan Dinita, UK

Industrial Partner: