Final Paper Submission

Authors of all accepted papers are invited to electronically submit full, camera-ready papers, taking reviewers' comments into account. Authors must adhere to the IEEE Conference paper format. Camera-ready papers should be submitted before the submission deadline (see important dates).

The current IEEE requirements for PDF are enforced by the manuscript submission system. All conference papers submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specification for compatibility. Please, check your final paper by IEEE PDF eXpress.

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function). It is not a manuscript submission system. You still have to submit your PDF here.

In order to use IEEE PDF eXpress, please create your personal account using the following instruction:

  1. Open the IEEE PDF eXpress site.
  2. Use 48073X for the Conference ID.
  3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

Note, that the current full conference name is 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC).

To submit your paper, click here.

Before submission, please ensure yourself that yor paper follows IEEE authorship guidelines and policies:

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