Dear Participants, we would like to thank all of you for your contribution, participation and fruitful scientific duscussion during conference. Hope this event invented you for new activities and created new ideas. We also hope to meet you during next IEEE-PEMC conference in Brashov, Romania in 2022. Please find here a short info about this forthcoming event.
Links to all broadcasted during the conference plenary sessions you can find listed below:
Draft detailed program available
Dear IEEE-PEMC2020 prospective authors, contributors and participants, dear researchers,
Detailed program of IEEE-PEMC2020 is available via Participant's Portal. Registered presenting authors are asked to login to the Portal and check availibility and corectness of their paper(s). Authors are kindly asked to complete "Presenting Author’s biography form" available in bottom part of the Portal. Access to the form by clicking "Edit" button below the red icon of the man.
Researchers intrested in participation to the conference please register as soon as possible.
The registration process contains three steps: registration, verification and payment. All participants during registration will create an personal account (Participant's Portal) for on-line participation.
Save the login and password data for future access. The data entered during the registration will be verified by the conference staff in 2-3 days and you will be notified via email and ask to make the payment.
In order to ensure the lowest conference fee corresponding to your status, please check the correctness of provided data (e.g. selected discounts, IEEE membership#, etc.).
Permit us, please, to ask your collaboration in the dissemination of this call through your privileged contacts (colleagues from the research centers, department, project partners and students) who can be interested in participation to the conference, also as non-author participants.
Looking forward to meet you in April 2021 during IEEE-PEMC2020!
IEEE-PEMC2020 Conference Chairs
Deadline for late registration
Dear IEEE-PEMC2020 prospective authors, contributors and participants, dear researchers,
The deadline for late registration is coming! Please do not forget to register before April 1st, 2021 to keep lower level of registration fees. Registration after the deadline is possible conditionally. Additional charge will apply.
The registration process contains three steps: registration, verification and payment. All participants during registration will create an personal account (Participant's Portal) for on-line participation.
Save the login and password data for future access. The data entered during the registration will be verified by the conference staff in 2-3 days and you will be notified via email and ask to make the payment.
In order to ensure the lowest conference fee corresponding to your status, please check the correctness of provided data (e.g. selected discounts, IEEE membership#, etc.).
Permit us, please, to ask your collaboration in the dissemination of this call through your privileged contacts (colleagues from the research centers, department, project partners and students) who can be interested in participation to the conference, also as non-author participants.
Looking forward to meet you in April 2021 during IEEE-PEMC2020!
IEEE-PEMC2020 Conference Chairs
Registration for the conference already started
Dear IEEE-PEMC2020 prospective authors, contributors and participants, dear researchers,
The conference is closed for new submissions. We would like to inform, that the registration process for the conference participation is already active. The process contains three steps: registration, verification and payment. At the moment all authors make registration for on-line participation. Participants willing to participate in person will be informed later about the possibility - in such a case additional registration fee will be required.
We encourage all prospective participants to make the first step immediately. During the registration your personal account with access to the conference services will be created. Save the login and password data for future access. The data entered during the registration will be verified by the conference staff in 2-3 days and you will be notified via email and ask to make the payment.
In order to ensure the lowest conference fee corresponding to your status, please check the correctness of provided data (e.g. selected discounts, IEEE membership#, etc.). Please take in mind that the deadline for early registration is 17th of February, 2021. Please note, that it is mandatory deadline for authors willing to include submitted papers to the conference proceedings. Some recently submitted papers are still under reviewing process. It will be completed in following days and authors will be notified immediately to make the registration.
Permit us, please, to ask your collaboration in the dissemination of this call through your privileged contacts (colleagues from the research centers, department, project partners and students) who can be interested in participation to the conference, also as non-author participants.
Looking forward to meet you in April 2021 during IEEE-PEMC2020!
IEEE-PEMC2020 Conference Chairs
IEEE-PEMC2020 Hybrid conference formula and extended deadlines
Dear IEEE-PEMC2020 prospective authors, contributors and participants, dear researchers,
This is a second call for papers to the 19th IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IEEE-PEMC 2020) which is postponed to new dates, between 25th and 29th April 2021.
Due to the uncertainty about the current pandemic we inform you that the conference will be held in both modalities online and in person (on-site). Different participation prices apply, as you can check in the conference site ( Both forms of participation (on-site in Gliwice and on-line-internet participation) are equal and all presented papers will be published in IEEEXplore and is planned to be indexed by Web of Science. Please indicate clicking on this link whether you intend to participate online or on-site (if the situation allows it).
The ultimate deadline for submitting full papers is now January 17th, 2021. You can submit following „For Authors -> Paper Submission” instructions at the web page or directly at IEEE IES Submission System page
Permit us, please, to ask your collaboration in the dissemination of this call through your privileged contacts (colleagues from the research centers, department, project partners and students).
Looking forward to meet you in April 2021 during IEEE-PEMC2020!
IEEE-PEMC2020 Conference Chairs
IEEE-PEMC 2020 Conference postponed - new conference dates!
Dear IEEE-PEMC2020 prospective authors, contributors and participants,
On behalf of the IEEE-PEMC 2020 Organizing Committee, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Although the situation seems to be improving in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic remains a major concern and it has heavily affected the organization of IEEE-PEMC Conference in Gliwice, Poland.
After the extended discussion of PEMC Council, the Organizing Committee concluded that the on-site conference is more beneficial for authors and participants than on-line (virtual) conference. Such an on-site organization however requires to postpone the conference to new dates, to reduce COVID-19 influence risk. The Organizing Committee, taking into account current situation and PEMC Council recommendations, decided to postpone the IEEE PEMC 2020 conference in order to organize it as regular on-site conference and to celebrate on-site 50 years of PEMC Conferences!
Therefore, the new conference dates will be April 25th-29th, 2021. Such a decision results with new conference deadlines. The first one is notification about acceptance. Authors who submitted their papers by the first deadline (end of March 2020) will be notified soon about the paper acceptance. Additionally, the Organizing Committee decided to offer all authors who submitted their paper before July 6th 2020, a possibility to publish within new deadlines the second paper for free. Taking into account the conference dates, the deadline for full paper submission has been postponed to November 30th, 2020. The registration system will be launched on September 1st, 2020 and the deadline for early payment registration fee is January 15th, 2020. Conference fees and all planned discounts remain unchanged (with the exception of 2nd paper as mentioned above).
The Organizing Committee hope that you understand and accept the new regulations and that we can count on your continuous support of IEEE-PEMC 2021 Conference!
Looking forward to meet you in April 2021 in Gliwice!
Info about conference related to COVID-19 (updated May 15, 2020)
Dear prospective IEEE-PEMC2020 authors and contributors,
The Organizing Committee is continuously monitoring the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under these uncertain circumstances, the safety and well-being of our participants will be on top of the agenda. The conference will be adapted to fulfill the regulations imposed by the competent authorities. It is important to note that conference cancellation is not an option! As for today, the dates are unchanged and the conference is planned to be organized in a classical form (stationary). Virtual participation is also planned to be available for those, who are unable to attend personally. The worst scenario is to postpone the conference until Spring 2021. The final decision will be made late June 2020.
As was previously announced the deadline for full paper submission is postponed to June 15th, 2020 and deadline for early registration to August 30th, 2020. All papers submitted for the conference will be reviewed and all accepted papers will be published as was originally planned!
We look forward to seeing you at IEEE-PEMC2020!
Deadline extensions due COVID-19
Dear prospective IEEE-PEMC2020 authors and contributors. In light of the escalating spread of COVID-19 (Cornovirus) around the world, and after careful consideration the IEEE-PEMC2020 Organizing Committee has taken the decision to extend significantly conference deadlines. We would like to give all of you an opportunity to consider possible participation at the conference and preparation of your contribution. As for today we hope the conference dates are safe and you will be able to participate. In order to give you more time for a decision, we decided to postpone also the deadline for early registration which is now August 30th, 2020.
We hope that the situation will improve soon and hope to meet you during IEEE-PEMC2020.
New ultimate deadline
The new and ultimate deadline for submission of full papers is set to March 22nd, 2020. Authors are invited to send the contribution to the conference by this date.
New and final deadline
Dear prospective authors and contributors, many of you still working on manuscripts for submission to IEEE-PEMC2020 and ask us about essential extension of the submission deadline. So, we decided to extend the deadline for full papers submission to March 10th, 2020. Please make use of this opportunity to submit your papers as your contribution to IEEE-PEMC2020. Please plan you work to keep with this extended deadline!
Deadlines extension
Many authors have requested extra time to finish their paper proposal for IEEE-PEMC2020. Also some potential Special Session organizers ask for deadline extension. Due those requests new deadlines have been fixed. The new and final deadline for Special Sessions proposals is postponed to January 31st, 2020. The deadline for full paper submission is extended to February 7th, 2020. Please make use of this opportunity to submit your Special Session proposals and regular papers as your contribution to IEEE-PEMC2020.
The conference is a continuation of the Power Electronics and Motion Control International conference series organized in previous years by PEMC Council. In last decades, the IEEE PEMC Conference (previously named as the PEMC and EPE-PEMC Conference) has become the largest and most important conference on Industrial Electronics and Motion Control in Central and Eastern Europe. The 50th Anniversary of PEMC Series will be celebrated during IEEE-PEMC 2020. Many excellent scientists and engineers affiliated to academic, research and industrial centers from Europe and whole world attend PEMC conferences every time.
The IEEE-PEMC 2020 is organized by the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, which is a large technical university, top-ranked in Poland. It employes almost 2000 of academic staff and educates over 20 000 students in almost all technical branches.
The conference will be held in the heart of Europe, in the industrial and very modern region of Silesia. I hope that the location of the conference, with the wealth of highly-developed enterprises, will attract participants from all over the world and enrich the scientific diversity.
The main aim of the conference is to create an opportunity for meeting of world-class scientists and for sharing and presenting results of their research and of development, both theoretical and applied, in field of power electronics, electrical drives and machines, control systems, electrical power systems and similar fields, which in general are key technologies that will enable the transformation of the world in an environmentally friendly way.
The conference language is English. Submitted papers, after reviewing process and presentation during conference, will be indexed in IEEE Explore database.
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees we look forward to welcoming you to Gliwice!